Saturday, March 31, 2007

Rocked by The Charms

Well a last minute decision to go see my buddies in the Kimonos and Le Thargic was a good one, I missed Le Thargic again ( third time) by getting to Rud’s during the Kimonos set. The headlining band was The Charms and WOW, Little Steven’s got a goodin here, I knew they had some good tunes, BUT CAN THEY PLAY IT LIVE? I ‘m so tired of hearing a great set of tunes only to go see the band live and being disappointed by them not having IT or even having part of IT. Hell Yea, Ellie Vee has IT, she is a rock-n-roller all the way, she writes, plays guitar, sings and showed everyone present how it’s done. The band was good ( a bit loose due to band changes of drummer, bass and organ players), but the real star is Ellie, whose voice and stage presence are superb. She has a very good voice that ranges from whisky of say a Janis Joplin to a good clearer voce of Gwen Stefani very much like Joan Jet. This range is put to use with the rocker songs like American Way to the sassy chirp of the power pop gem Top Down (Radio On), heard on Little Steven’s Underground Garage (Sun. 8 PM, 97.5 FM). I can’t wait for them to come back and see Ellie in her dress stuart tartan skirt and boots with more angular organ action. If you missed them, you can see their videos and hear them at their web sites, of course their MySpace page

Now if I can just get this blog to work I'll post more often.

1 comment:

MartiniDry said...

Hey Jim-

Yeah, I just recently heard the Charms and thought they were great! Thanks for putting together a power pop blog. There are very few and, while I'm not in the Houston area, I know that you have quite a scene in Texas (in Austin specifically) so it's a natural.

If you should need a contributor to help out from time to time let me know. Power Pop has been my passion for twenty years so I'm pretty well versed and I try to stay on top of new things.

Thanks again.